Proudly Celebrating the Man of Steel

Welcome to Small Screen Superman by Talia Hatfield, a Superman fansite. Here you'll find information & reviews for Superman TV show episodes, a blog, and some of my fan creations (including interactive games to test your Superman knowledge). Please enjoy your stay!
Contact me via email, Discord, or Tumblr.
Recent Updates
1/15/25 - New blog post: 3 Less-Discussed Flaws in The Last Jedi.
9/9/24 - New blog post: Plastic Man No More! #1 Review (Plus Some Thoughts on Fan Reactions).
8/26/24 - Whoops, I've been forgetting to post updates here. I made several new blog posts, some of which are mini posts, but the two major posts are Over-Explanation: A Special Temptation to Comics? (Inspired by Detective Comics #950) and The Most Boring Way to Put a Hero on the “Bad Side” (Inspired by a YouTube Video). Check out the Blog for all the new blog posts.
5/13/24 - Added 76 screencaps to the gallery for season 1 epsiode 5 of Adventures of Superman: The Monkey Mystery.
3/23/24 - Added blog post "Superman Ideas That “Stuck” (and Should They Be Unstuck?), Part 1: Powerless on Krypton".
2/7/24 - Added review for season 1 epsiode 4 of Adventures of Superman: Mystery of the Broken Statues, and added images to its synopsis.
2/6/24 - Added synopsis for season 1 epsiode 4 of Adventures of Superman: Mystery of the Broken Statues.
2/1/24 - Added 66 screencaps to the gallery for season 1 epsiode 4 of Adventures of Superman: Mystery of the Broken Statues.
1/24/24 - Added 67 screencaps to the gallery for season 1 epsiode 8 of Adventures of Superman: The Mind Machine.
1/15/24 - Added 51 screencaps to the gallery for season 1 epsiode 7 of Adventures of Superman: The Birthday Letter.
1/9/24 - Added summary, synopsis, more notes, and a review for season 1 epsiode 2 of Adventures of Superman: The Haunted Lighthouse (making that episode's page complete).
1/6/24 - Added 46 screencaps to the gallery for season 1 epsiode 2 of Adventures of Superman: The Haunted Lighthouse.
12/20/23 - Added blog post "The Missed Potential of Clark Kent in Superman: The Animated Series".